District of the Unitarian Universalist Association

[return to index of Board Proceedings]
FYI-Board of Directors Meeting Summary Saturday, November 17, 2001
The Board of Directors of the Florida District met at the Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship of Tampa. The Board of Directors of the Florida District
opens each meeting with reflection from one of our members and a time of reconnection.
Each meeting ends with a "process check" to make sure participant's thoughts
and concerns have been heard by the others, as well as to determine how well
the board accomplished its day's work. The following are the issues, proposals
and ends for the district that were considered and acted upon.
Joan Lund, Annual Program Fund Chair expressed her appreciation
for those Florida congregations who in paying their Fair Share dues to the
UUA enabled the Florida District to receive over $22,000 back in grants.
89.9% of our congregations were Fair Share. (90% would have had returned
$4000 more to the Florida District.) A budgetary adjustment proposal, necessitated
by this unanticipated falling short by a percentage point, will be presented
by the DE and considered at the next meeting in January. · A baseline monitoring
report from the District Executive was received. This report clarifies the
assumptions and interpretations of the DE vis-à-vis the Executive Limitations
policies of the Florida District.
Each congregation's "link" reported on achievements, activities
and concerns of the congregations with whom they connect each quarter.
Several congregations are undertaking capital campaigns
and strategic planning, an encouraging sign of growth. Many of you reached
out to Islamic communities for education and connection.
Two ordinations have taken place or been planned.. Rev.
Ann Marie Alderman, currently the Director of Religious Education at UUC
Jacksonville and a long standing member of the Buckman Bridge Fellowship
and Rev. Jack Ford, currently serving the UU Fellowship in Valdosta, GA
and also a long-time member of the Buckman Bridge Fellowship now serve within
our district as ordained ministers.
Noted was the unanimous approval of the transfer of the
Fellowship of Bay County from the Florida District to the Mid-South District,
and the approval of a change of focus for the Annual Assembly in March.
The transfer to Mid-South allows the Bay County members to connect with
congregations with whom they have more in common geographically and numerically.
The transfer was initiated at their request, approved by Mid-South last
spring, and will be on the agenda of the upcoming UUA Board of Trustees
meeting. The change of theme for the Annual Assembly was made in response
to the events of September 11.
An Environmental Policy Resolution from the UU Fellowship
in Corvallis, WA was deemed worthy of the support of the Florida District
for consideration of the General Assembly in June. "It's something we've
needed for a long time. It seems amazing that the UUA doesn't already have
an environmental policy," was the comment of one of the board's members.
A proposal to create separate Trustee positions to represent
the Mid-South and the Florida Districts was unanimously approved. The issue
as presented by the Mid-South District is one of justice (righting a relationship),
one district, one trustee/vote. Each of our districts on its own has enough
congregations to surpass the next smallest district in number of congregations
represented. The Florida District Board of Directors also believes it will
save wear and tear on each district's Trustee, provide better opportunities
to connect with congregations within the district and for the trustee to
participate in district functions. Currently the 75 congregations in both
districts are being served by a shared Trustee (who is doing a great job
in spite of the distances and numbers, as did Margaret Sanders for the past
six years). The proposal from Mid-South and the Florida District will next
go to the UUA Board of Trustees to be considered as a possible by-law amendment
at General Assembly.
The Board of Directors discussed and modified two Ends with
refinements. (A refinement is a greater degree of specificity for an End.)
The first modification addresses the desire and need for resources to have
adequately trained leaders within our district. The second addresses the
commitment of the board to growth and extension, specifying that there will
be a viable Unitarian Universalist Fellowship within commuting distance
of every individual within the Florida district.
If you have questions or would like clarification, please contact
a Director or an officer of the Board. You are the Florida District-you make
a big difference in Unitarian Universalism in Florida!
Respectfully submitted by the President of the Board of Directors
of the Florida District
Kathy Converse