District of the Unitarian Universalist Association

[return to index of Board Proceedings]
President's Report DPA Annual Fall Meeting November 1-2, , 2001, Boston, MA
The fall gathering of district presidents in Boston is an excellent
reason to say yes to the Nominating Committee when they call to ask if you
would consider serving as District President. The Annual Dues paid by each
district to the District President's Association provides funds for transportation,
lodging at the Pickett and Eliot houses, and all meals but Saturday evening.
The result is a weekend full of interaction with lively UU leaders from all
over the country, information of importance to the district congregations
and members, and an education in associational functioning. Oh yes, and an
opportunity to shop at the UUA bookstore with a (token) discount!
This report is organized in three broad categories. 1) Information
provided by the UUA (usually in the form of Tracy Robinson-Harris, the Acting
Director of Congregational, District, and Extension Services, but from others
as noted) sometimes at the request of the district presidents, 2) information
shared among the district presidents formally and informally via networking,
and 3) other miscellaneous items of interest.
A District Handbook is in the making for members of district
boards. It is hoped that core functions of districts and key indicators
for tracking whether they are happening will be identified.
APF information -- How the loop between money from congregations
to the UUA as part of the Fair Share program comes back to the Districts
and so to congregations ins services;
Settling and Start-up of new district professionals (DE's
and program consultants) · Co-employment of field staff issues and just
Conducting a 3rd and 7th year review of field staff · Universal
Access-Accessibility Task Force (Jacqui James, UUA contact person). Issues
of interest to Florida District : Outreach with Accessibility, Anti-oppression,
Social Justice; brochures are available from the UUA for congregations.
Resolution to GA planning committee to avoid scheduling
other meetings (youth, ministerial) during the district in-gatherings so
that all members of a district attending General Assembly can attend
Restructuring the organization of the UUA and implications
for the Congregations, Districts and Extension department -Kay Montgomery
, Executive Vice-president
Electronic Wizardry ideas-posting "what works" on the district
website for congregational access; Utilizing district list-serves for newsletters
(several districts have eliminated print newsletters) and other information,
i.e. conference and assembly reminders. Every email address known to the
district can receive information initially with an option to unsubscribe
at any time. (Chalice Lighter grants made with fanfare at Annual Meetings
RE-Young Adult Council annual summit
Trend-spotting-Conducting small trainings for small pieces
rather than global trainings in big blocks
Board functioning-including a worship component in board
meetings; Linkage ideas, i.e. the District President and board member liasons
meet periodically with local congregation boards; information about board
functioning is available from ncnb.org (National Council of Nonprofit Boards)
and the Thomas Jefferson District website (board development info).
Thank you for allowing me to represent you! To be a part of
this lively, dedicated, always thinking and reflecting group is a great honor
and great fun.
Kathy Converse President, Florida District