Volume 3, Number 1
October, 1999

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table of contents

Ninety-three Percent Fair Share . . . That's Us!

The writer of this column is not one for gloating or anything but I am so pleased at our wonderful Annual Program Fair share contributions for 1998-99 I am unable to cease this proud behavior. And already some of you are starting to pay the 1999-2000 APF fair share which lets all of us know how dedicated you are.

In the last issue I indicated that I would write some thoughts on what it is worth to be a part of the UUA. There are so many programs and services it would take too much room to list them all. In honesty I am not aware of some of these program's responsibilities but I do know all are available to our member congregations. To name a few: Ministerial Settlement, UU Books on Tape, World Magazine, Pension Plans, Interim Ministers, Fundraising Resources, Skinner House Books, New Congregations Training, RE Curriculum Development for All Ages, Beacon Press, District Field Staff (our Rev. Mary Higgins) and the list goes on and on. I will come up with some additional ones next month. Again, ALL of these are available to each UUA member congregation.

In closing, I wish to paraphrase a friend of mine who rose to speak before our Tampa congregation about abundance. He is not a wealthy man; a school teacher, in fact. He shared the belief from his own life that the more money he gives away the richer he feels. Formerly he operated from a position of scarcity, now he has an "air of abundance," saying he feels so much better now. He says, in his life the money just seems to get replaced. And there is always enough.

So dear UU congregations, pledge yourselves to be fair share to the Annual Program Fund in this millenium year. You are sharing with Unitarian Universalists throughout our great movement. Perhaps you do not know when or where but the money you give will be returned in ways you might not even realize. If I can be of service please call or email.