Volume 3, Number 1
October, 1999

index of issues
table of contents

Campus NU-US

We're starting a great year on FSU's campus. About 10 students have attended the first couple of meetings, and an additional 10 have expressed an interest in joining us. I've been sitting out at the Student Union during Orientation Week and on Wednesdays (commonly known as the Bizarre Bazaar) to introduce Unitarian Universalism to interested students and to get to know any UU's that happen by. I hope through our Campus Ministry program, we can provide support to UU's away from home and maintain a liberal religious presence on campus. It is also my strong belief that there are hundreds of students out there who are searching for a liberal religious community where they can challenge their beliefs and explore new ideas. It is these students, the ones who don't know they're UU because they haven't heard of it, that I'm proactively searching for.

Meeting topics so far this year have included Musical Potpourri, A Creative Look at Spiritual Paths, and Personal Altars. My goal during these early meetings is to have everyone get to know each other on a personal and spiritual level. We're learning where everyone is coming from now. Next I want to move into exploring new ideas and interests. We're inviting members of the local congregation in to help us explore anything from Art to Zen Buddhism. Students will also be co-leading meetings with topics that they're particularly interested in.

Other plans for our group include helping to serve at a worship service at Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee. I'd also like to see us have worship services on campus. Other possibilities include a meditation group or a monthly graduate (or undergraduate) student meeting if there's interest. One long term goal I have is to bring in a popular UU speaker to campus.