Volume 3, Number 1
October, 1999

index of issues
table of contents

The Carver Model of Policy Governance

Have you ever been to a Board meeting that seemed to never end. OR where the conversation about the color of the replacement carpet in the church office lasted for an hour and a quarter? OR where there was no need for the use of the future tense in any of the discussion, only the past or present tenses were needed? OR where there was a lengthy discussion about adding $50 to the Music budget if we could get the Membership committee to give up $50 from their budget? OR where, when on the way home after the meeting, you wondered what, if anything, of real importance had been accomplished?

With those questions in mind, your new nine member Florida District Board of Directors is moving toward full implementation of the Carver Model of Policy Governance. What on earth is that you say! John Carver is the author of one book entitled Boards That Make A Difference-a new design for leadership in nonprofit and public organizations and with his wife Miriam, another book entitled Reinventing Your Board-a step-by-step guide to implementing Policy Governance.

It is a very detailed process with its own terminology, only some of which I am able to incorporate into everyday conversation. So, I am going to explain to you in my own way what I think we're doing.

We are in process of

  • changing the way our Board operates from a culture of management and micro-management to one of governance, planning and policy making- (Behavioral change of this magnitude is no easy task, but one that we think is vital to long range success);
  • establishing mechanisms to gain regular input from our owners, the Member Congregations of the Florida District as to where we should be heading (Board Members will be contacting Congregational Presidents and/or Ministers quarterly);
  • defining where it is we want to go and how we conduct ourselves in getting there;
  • empowering our great District Executive Mary Higgins to utilize the Program Council, which she will manage, and to create and implement other ways and means of achieving those Ends (We are putting all of our eggs in one basket.);
  • monitoring the process of achieving those Ends (We will be watching the basket closely.); and
  • committing to establish this concept of governance on such a solid foundation that it will be sustained into the future.

Elsewhere in this issue of Sunshine, Mary Higgins will tell you about the evolution of the Program Council. It is a keystone of the process we are undertaking. Please be sure to read it. Any of us on your District Board would welcome your questions, comments or suggestions.