Volume 3, Number 1
October, 1999

index of issues
table of contents

Big Bundle of Checks!

On Sunday, August 22nd, Florida District Chalice Lighters Chair Jim Emerson traveled to Westin, Florida where he presented a tall stack of checks from Chalice Lighters all over the District to the River of Grass congregation. The total at that time was $3,385. Checks are still trickling in. Thanks to one and all from Jim and from River of Grass.

The next call is expected to go out this fall, so get your checkbooks ready. We now offer two new ways to help. You may write your checks for $10 or more payable to the Florida District for the one call, or you may write them for $30 or more payable to the Florida District to include all three calls this fiscal year. Of course, you can still make them payable to the congregation receiving the grant.

Chalice Lighters Sunday is scheduled for Sunday, February13th. Our goal is 1,000 in 2,000, hoping once again to double the number of UU's willing to help the growth of our denomination in the Florida District. Remember to choose a member of your congregation to serve as Chalice Lighters coordinator, and get her or him in touch with the District Chalice Lighter Sunday Coordinator Phil Spear. Phil will make sure your congregation receives promotional materials and sign-up forms.