Volume 3, Number 1
October, 1999

index of issues
table of contents

Seven Religious Education Directors and Committee Chairs met in June at the Boca Fellowship to attend a weekend Renaissance Module sponsored by the Florida District Lifespan RE Committee. The focus of this module was on Training Teachers and included a book by Maria Harris, entitled Teaching and Religious Imagination. Facilitators, Joyce Zaugg, DRE from the Los Alamos Unitarian Church and Karen Gonzalez, DRE and Chair of the Florida District Lifespan RE Committee led these educators through a process of discovering and defining religious education and what it means to teach religiously. Everyone left with concrete plans to pass on information to their congregations' volunteer teachers and strengthen their programs. Many thanks to our wonderful hosts from the Boca Fellowship, Jennifer Ligeti and Susan Dubbin, CO-DREs. Our next scheduled Renaissance Module will be on January 27-29 in Gainesville. This module will focus on Curriculum. Registration forms will arrive in the monthly District Packet.

This district is growing with many dedicated religious educators and we are all the richer for them. Welcome to newly hired, Alisha Kearns in Orlando; Susanne Loar, in Miami; and Dr. Mark Ehman in Fort Myers.

Finally, congratulations go out to Therese Brooks, DRE at University Unitarian Universalist Society in East Orlando for completing her fifth Renaissance Module and receiving her Chalice Pin from LREDA (Liberal Religious Educator's Association).