Volume 3, Number 2
January 2000

index of issues
table of contents

Around the Association

It’s been six months since General Assembly (GA) in Salt Lake City, which was one of the largest General Assemblies ever, despite the great distances many people had to travel. It was also the largest gathering of youth. The 2000 GA, focused on “Our Common Call” will be in Nashville, and I hope you are thinking about how to put together large delegations from your congregation to add to the Southern atmosphere. With an increased focus on leadership training, youth and young adult programming and building connections among congregations, the upcom-ing GA promises to be an extraordinary opportunity for our members. I’ve heard talk of buses and other joint travel arrangements — check out what is happening with other congregations in your area.

If you have not opened the packet of information from the Commission on Social Witness, I suggest you check it out. The proposals are provocative, and they need to be reflected on by a variety of your members — and deserve feedback. Deadline for feedback is only a few weeks away. If you cannot find the large, brown envelope, ask one of your internet surfers to download the information from the Association website, www.uua.org.

2001, An Election Odyssey. Yes, the Association’s election cycle for President, Moderator and other at-large positions is getting underway. In addition to print information, the Association will be hosting an elist discussion group beginning in February or March. Watch for announcements. All congregations, whether or not they will have delegates at the Cleveland General Assembly may participate in the voting. Be sure to watch for information about candidates and take advantage of opportunities to meet them, including this coming GA. As you may remember, my term ends in 2001, and I will not be running.

The Association’s Board, of which I am a member, is undertaking important conversations about future directions of the Association. Please check out my reports, which go to the District Board and various congregational contacts. I always hope they get posted. For more information, you can also check out the Association web site for Board of Trustee pages.

I hope your congregation is looking for ways you can work with other Unitarian Universalist congregations on projects that help us promote our values in our communities. If you aren’t sure what’s happening out there, this newsletter is a good start. You can also check with your District officers, the District Office, and the web sites for the Association and other congregations (over 60% are linked to the Association site). You can also mix with congregations from all over at the MidSize Church Conference in Atlanta in March. You should have received a mailing.

I hope you find joy and meaning in this new year,