Volume 3, Number 2
January 2000

index of issues
table of contents


The Florida District of the UUA is a growing, diverse community of healthy, autonomous congregations who sup-port one another and who affirm and promote UU purposes and principles.

In pursuit of the Mission, we honor our commitments to

  • Welcoming ALL who are in basic sympathy with our UU Principles and Purposes
  • Living the Purposes and Principles of the UUA
  • The Democratic Process
  • Being a Leader in seeking Social Justice
  • Being Anti-Racist
  • Prudently and efficiently managing our financial and human resources
  • Giving Voice, Visibility, Fellowship and Character to Free Religion
  • Deepening and broadening our understanding of Religion, Spirituality and Community and
  • Not losing sight of the importance of having some Fun in the process

Congregations will

  • Feel connected to the District and to each other.
  • Have Leaders (i.e.- Ordained, Professional and Lay) who are well trained, knowledgeable and competent
  • Benefit from the District’s creative, flexible, visionary utilization of financial and human resources to develop programming
  • Create Infrastructure (such as: Mission/Vision Statements, Covenants, By Laws, Policy Governance Statements, Financial Plans and Long Range Plans) commensurate with their needs
  • Recognize themselves as unique, precious and powerful

Strategic Plan
The Florida District shall operate under a Strategic Plan that specifies how the ends are to be realized and outcomes are to be attained for specific periods of time. The Strategic Plan must be approved by the Board of Directors.