Volume 3, Number 2
January 2000

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Sally Roesch Wagner to Lecture and Perform in St. Petersburg

Noted scholar Sally Roesch Wagner, PhD, Humanist of the Year 1992, nationally recognized historian, performance artist, and author, will give three major public presentations in St. Petersburg in March 2000. On Friday, March 3, 2000 at USF-St. Petersburg: 1:00 PM Lecture “What I Told Hillary Rodham Clinton in Seneca Falls” and 7:00 PM Performance as Matilda Joslyn Gage—the third and equally important member of the “suffrage triumvirate” along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Gage–even more radical than Stanton–was nearly written out of history after her death; nevertheless, her views address important issues of today. Dr. Wagner, leading the movement to return Gage to her rightful position, will also speak as herself and answer questions from the audience.

Thirdly, Dr. Wagner will give a history-making presentation as Matilda Joslyn Gage on “Woman, Church and State” Sunday, March 5, at 11:00 at the UU Church of St. Petersburg. These events will be widely publicized and committees are gearing up to help accommodate all those who wish to attend.

Dr. Wagner was recently seen on Ken Burns’ documentary “Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony” and wrote its accompanying PBS study guide. Wagner is not only riveting when she knowledgeably speaks as herself or as “Stanton” or “Gage,” but she also speaks to issues basic to the UU Women & Religion movement. Watch for further information in your January and February district packets.

Dr. Wagner’s appearances in St. Petersburg are made possible through a Florida Humanities grant and USF/St. Petersburg (Campus Women’s Collective, Bayboro Productions, Cultural Diversity); National Organization of Women (Pinellas County); League of Women Voters (Pinellas County); UU Church of St. Petersburg (Women’s Forum, Gage Focus Group); The Humanist Association: St. Petersburg; The Council for Secular Humanism; The St. Petersburg Library System; Brigit Books; and an anonymous donor.