Volume 3, Number 3
Spring/Summer 2000

index of issues
table of contents

FUNDING OUR FAITH Annual Program Fund

Congratulations and a GREAT BIG THANKS: Manatee U.U. Church, U.U. Church of Brooksville, U.U. Church of Clearwater, U.U. Fellowship of Key West, Lake Region U.U. Fellowship, Nature Coast U.U.s, U.U. Fellowship of Marion County, Buckman Bridge U.U. Society, U.U. Fellowship of Bay County, and U.U. Church of Tallahassee. As of this writing you are the fully paid, APF fair share leaders in the Florida District.

By the time you read this we will fast be approaching General Assembly time, this year in Nashville, Tennessee. I know that the Florida District will continue to be continental leaders in fair share contributions to the Annual Program Fund and thus be Honor Societies at G.A. It may seem like $40 per church member is alot of money but the value we get is immeasurable. Even though the fiscal year does not end until June 30 th , remember if you pay the remaining amount of your fair share by the end of May you will be honored as a fair share congregation at General Assembly.

I had been mentioning in earlier columns some of the services available to our District and individual congregations. This month let me name just a few more in my effort to make you aware of how your dollars are spent: Capital Campaign Consultants, Worship Consultation and Resources, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, and Home Page and List Serves.

The Florida District is among the continental leaders in fair share contributions. We can be very proud of our giving each year. Did you know that if 90% or more of our congregations are fair share the Florida District would receive an extra $5000 next year? Think of it; even more services and events would be available right here in our wonderful District. It is up to each one of us to make sure our church or society is fair share.

On behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Association Annual Program Fund I thank our Florida congregations for all you do. Please contact me if I can be of service. See you at General Assembly.