Volume 3, Number 3
Spring/Summer 2000

index of issues
table of contents

Social Justice for Middle School Youth

22 middle school youth from the Spirit of Life and Naples congregations partici-pated in a Social Justice workshop on April 7,8 & 9. The workshop was led by Sarah Walls and Anne Mayher from the Milestone Learning Center at the Moun-tain. Senior high youth from SLUU and advisors from both congregations pro-vided support for the workshop.

The students played games, did art work, and participated in discussions that helped them to create a community. The overall goal was to come up with per-sonal social justice projects. Everyone had a wonderful time, and we all made new friends. The weekend was made especially enjoyable thanks to professional catering provided by Melodie Stubkjaer, mother of a participant.

The workshop was initiated by Connie Goodbread, DRE at SLUU. She obtained a grant from the UU Program Fund to finance the weekend. She has plans to expand the workshop in future years, and hopes to include participants from other faith communities.