Volume 3, Number 3
Spring/Summer 2000

index of issues
table of contents

The Importance of Our Whole Lives

I am so pleased to be raising my children in this faith in an age when many of our political systems are becoming more closed minded and/or fearful of retaliation from the religious right on the issue of sexuality education. (My county school system no longer mentions homosexuality as a viable alternative lifestyle because the threat of lawsuits was more than it could afford!) It is hearing about John Buehrens’ part in creating an important statement about sexual morality that reminds me of this. And, it is seeing our new lifespan sexuality program become a reality and begin to be a presence in our Florida congregations that gives me real hope.

The Religious Declaration on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing calls for sexuality education throughout the lifespan from trained religious and lay leaders. It affirms that sexuality is one of God’s most fulfilling gifts and outlines a new paradigm for sexual morality that does not discriminate on the basis of age, marital status, or sexual orientation. John Buehrens is one of the creators of the Declaration and one of two denomination presidents who have endorsed it (along with 1000 of America’s religious leaders representing a broad range of faith traditions). The Declaration appeared in The New York Times as a full-page advertisement on January 25th and will appear in other news publications in the future. Many of our district leaders have endorsed this declaration (including myself). You can see a copy of it hanging in the District office or by visiting the web site listed below.

The UUA’s new OWL (Our Whole Lives) program is based on the philosophy of comprehensive sexuality education, which helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, comprehensive sexuality education provides not only facts about anatomy and human development, but support for participants to clarify their values, integrate sexual and spiritual understandings, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, social, and political aspects of sexuality.

The Florida District is sponsoring a spring training workshop for those people chosen to facilitate the Junior High OWL program in our congregations. Another Jr. High training will take place in October of 2000. A joint training for the K-1 and 4-6 grade program will be held on September 15th and 16th. These trainings are strongly encouraged for anyone attempting to facilitate these programs, and required for the purchase of any visuals. The OWL program gives us the information and strength to teach our children with honesty, respect and love. May we have the courage to embrace it and support it within our congregations.


For more information on OWL trainings in Florida or advice on the process of establishing an OWL program in your congregation, feel free to contact me at KarenDRE@aol.com or contact Florida’s OWL trainer, Dora Finamore at doracamille@cs.com. For more information on OWL, visit http://ww.uua.org/owl/. For more information on The Religious Declaration on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing and a list of its endorsements visit http://www.religionproject.org.