Volume 4, Number 1
Autumn 2000

index of issues
table of contents


The Florida District Extension Committee has traditionally been responsible for supporting new congregations and encouraging growth among existing congregations. In addition, it coordinates our Campus Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, and Chalice Lighters. As the new Chair, I hope we can look at the Ends of the Florida District and play a major role in fulfilling them.

When we meet in September, I hope we can think about strategic direction first. One End is to grow in total membership and in number of congregations. But we must also work to be a creative and prudent steward of financial and human resources. I値l be asking the committee to help us find a balance in these Ends.

I知 brand new as a committee chair, so I知 trying to keep an open mind and ask a lot of questions. It seems to me however, that our traditional activities in support of growth have had little impact. Looking at the relatively stable membership numbers, how can we best encourage growth in our congregations? How can we account for ministry to UUs who may be outside of formal congregations? How can we best support our new congregations? Perhaps we値l ask about experiences in other districts, or look at individual congregations that have been successful. It may be that we have to inspire the members of our congregations before any growth plan can move forward.

Whatever we decide, it is quite exciting to be part of the leadership as Florida District adopts the Carver philosophy. This committee has clear ends to guide our priorities and plenty of resources to work with. The energy in this district is high, and we致e got an excellent District Executive to guide our work. I値l provide regular columns outlining our progress.