Alaska #1

For Signed and Numbered print images, go to

Year Face Value Species Artist Mint Artist Signed
1985 $5.00 Emperor Geese Dan Smith $10 $25.00
1986 $5.00 Stellers Eiders James Merger $9 $25.00
1987 $5.00 Spectacled Eiders Carl Branson $9 $25.00
1988 $5.00 Trumpeter Swans Jim Beaudoin $9 $25.00
1989 $5.00 Goldeneye Richard Timm $8 $20.00
1990 $5.00 Oldsquaws Louis Frisino $8 $20.00
1991 $5.00 Snow Geese Ronald Louque $8 $15.00
1992 $5.00 Canvasbacks & Moose Fred Thomas $8 $15.00
1993 $5.00 White-fronted Geese Ed Tussey $8 $15.00
1994 $5.00 Harlequins George Lockwood $8 $15.00
1995 $5.00 Pacific Brant Cynthie Fisher $8 $15.00
1996 $5.00 Aleutian Canada Geese Wilhelm Goebel $8 $15.00
1997 $5 King Eiders George Lockwood $10  
1998 $5 Barrow's  Goldeneye   $10  

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