Maine #1

For Signed and Numbered print images, go to

Year Face Value Species Artist Mint Artist Signed
1984 $2.50 Black Ducks Joseph Cibola $23 $39.75
1985 $2.50 Common Eiders Randy Julius $45 $64.50
1986 $2.50 Wood Duck Bob Piscatori $8 $19.50
1987 $2.50 Buffleheads Ron VanGilder $8 $19.50
1988 $2.50 Greeen-winged Teal Rick Allen $8 $19.50
1989 $2.50 Goldeneyes Jeannine Staples $5 $12.00
1990 $2.50 Canada Geese Thea Flanagan $5 $12.00
1991 $2.50 Ring-necked Duck Patti Carver $5 $12.00
1992 $2.50 Oldsquaw Persis Weirs $5 $12.00
1993 $2.50 Hooded Mergansers Jeannine Staples $5 $12.00
1994 $2.50 Mallard Susan Jordan $5 $12.00
1995 $2.50 Whitewing Scoter Richard Alley $5 $12.00
1996 $2.50 Blue-winged Teal Paul Sillion $5 $12.00
1997 $2.50 Greater Scaup T. Kemp $5
1998 $2.50 Surf Scoter $5

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