The Lord has brought to a close the ministry of Calvary Chapel Port Charlotte. Though this church no longer will be serving the Port Charlotte area this does not mean that our God will not continue to use Pastor Drew or this web site.
Until all of the particulars have been worked out this web site will not be handling the audio portion of any of the messages. We will hopefully be able to restore this aspect of this ministry shortly.
In the interim we will be calling this site, “Double Edged Sword Biblical Resources,” and will soon have our own domain name to reflect the change. Please be patient as there will be additional and on-going construction to this site.
We appreciate your continued prayers for direction and the opportunity to serve the Lord in Charlotte County Florida, as well as to be able to minister to all of our friends on the World Wide Web.
To God be the Glory!
2Peter Commentary Series
2Peter 1:1 Introduction
2Peter 1:2-4 - "The Power & The Promise"
2Peter 1:5a - "The Fruitful Life"
2Peter 1:5b-7 - "The Growing Christian Character"
2Peter 1:8-11 - "Zealous For God/Prove Your Faith"
2Peter 1:12-15 - "Always Remember The Truth"
2Peter 1:16-19 - "Our Salvation Is No Blind Leap"
2Peter 1:2 - 2:1a - "The Warning About False Teachers"
2Peter 2:1b-3 - "The Enemy Within The Camp"
2Peter 2:4-9 - "God’s Sure Judgment"
2Peter 2:10-13 - "A Profile Of A False Teacher"
2Peter 2:14-17 - "Avoid Balaam’s Way"
2Peter 2:18-22 - "Freedom = Responsibility In Christ"
2Peter 3:1-4 - "A Call To Remember His Promised Return"
2Peter 3:3-4 - "A Glimpse Into Some of Today's False Prophets"
2Peter 3:4 - "What Is This Coming He Promised?"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Rapture"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Second Coming"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Tribulation (The first half) - False Peace"
2Peter 3:4 - (The last 3 1/2 years) "The Seal Judgments and God’s Grace"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Whore of Mystery Babylon"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Seven Trumpet Judgments"
2Peter 3:4 - Tribulation: "The Last 7 plagues"
2Peter 3:4 - "Christ’s Second Physical Coming"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Millennial Reign of Christ"
2Peter 3:4 - "The New Heavens and New Earth"
2Peter 3:5-6 - "A Sure Hope - God’s True Word"
2Peter 3:7-9 - "Time Keeps On Slippin'.... Into The Future"
2Peter 3:10-13 - "How Much Do You Appreciate Your Salvation?"
2Peter 3:14-18 - "Christ, The Resurrection And The Life"
Copyright 1996 - 2002©
Calvary Chapel of Port Charlotte