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"So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:46-47
Preaching and teaching provide opportunities for ministry from the Word of God, where valuable lessons can be applied to daily living. Christ ordained the ministries of the Church (Eph 4:11-13) and the Scriptures emphasize teaching Biblical Truth (2Tim 2:2) As the Word is ministered, the Holy Spirit who indwells each believer makes the Word effectual and enables each to glorify God through love and obedience.
Each week small groups of fellow believers meet in homes for informal Bible study, prayer, praise, encouragement, and the building of friendships.
This ministry provides an opportunity for the men of the church to be grounded in sound Biblical Truth and be equipped for good works. It is a time of sharing, edification and prayer designed to build up the men of the church in Christ.
This ministry provides an individual Bible study including homework to keep women in the Word. It's a time of fellowship that promotes godliness, sharing and prayer designed to edify the women of the church.
The sole source of information and guidance relied upon here are the Scriptures. Christ has provided everything that is needed and restores and sanctifies each believer Himself, through the ministering of His Word in love, in Pastoral care and the mutual edification of members within the body. As the Holy Spirit uses God's Word, there is hope for even the most stubborn problems. In Christ, there is freedom and wholeness from life - dominating sin. There is always opportunity to edify and bless others in His truth and love.
Our Lord has placed an important emphasis on the spiritual training of children and we desire to do the same. We provide teaching and activities appropriate for each age level on Sundays. We also seek to assist each family unit in it's ability to nurture their children in the Lord. The goal is to lead children to a personal relationship with Christ and make disciples. Your insights and involvement are welcome. There are a variety of opportunities to serve through this ministry including skits, puppetry, fellowship outings or service projects.
This ministry provides food, shelter, clothing or financial support to a church member who has needs due to temporary setbacks, or to someone needy in the community. Help is distributed according to the need and each request is screened to ensure the funds of the church are used appropriately. Helpers are always needed to assist with meals, transportation or other help for a brother or sister in crisis.
This ministry helps visitors and regular attendees get connected with people and groups within the church so they feel welcome and develop friendships that encourage them to grow in Christ and serve Him. Helpers are always needed to greet during services, organize picnics or open their homes to fellowships.
This ministry provides various opportunities to seek God's will and submit our lives to His care and leading. There's a prayer chain always ready to pray for immediate needs and times of corporate prayer and fasting on behalf of our community, the church at large and our local body. There's time within small groups or the service to anoint with oil and specifically pray for one another.
All believers are called to make disciples. It is our desire to see you become equipped for the task, prayerfully provide opportunites that make Christ's love and truth known locally, support missions and make known mission opportunities available throughout the Calvary Chapel fellowships. Currently, we have a missionary in India and participate in giving to the YDI hotline. There are opportunities for local involvement through YDI and community outreach. A tape and book lending library with materials that have a parallel philosophy and teaching of Calvary Chapels is available to use for personal edification and outreach. If you are interested in being a part of a team that meets needs and ministers with the Gospel let us know.
We at Calvary Chapel Port Charlotte locally sponsor the Word for today Broadcast with Pastor Chuck Smith. This is a teaching and outreach ministry which encourages the saints to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as encouraging the unbeliever to repent of his sin and embrace Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The broadcast is aired each weekday at 6:00 PM on WVIJ 91.7 FM in Port Charlotte.
Copyright 1996 - 2002©
Calvary Chapel of Port Charlotte