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Police give household items, holiday happiness, to seniors


By SHARON TURCO, The News-Press

They didn’t ask for Sony Playstation 2s or DVD players.

Residents of Flossie M. Riley Garden apartments and Bonair Towers put blankets, grocery gift certificates and electronic can openers on their holiday lists.

PRECIOUS PRESENTS: Ken Leach, center, an officer with the Fort Myers Police Department, shares a quiet moment with Letha Bennett, 95, during the Adopt a Senior gift giveaway at Flossie M. Riley Garden apartments. Leach bought a light blanket and a jacket for Bennett. Ashley Sanders is pictured at left.

Fort Myers city employees adopted 115 senior citizens and granted their holiday wishes Saturday.

“Everyone has been excited all week,” said Elizabeth Viotto, 87, who has lived in Bonair Towers for 14 years.

“For a lot of us, this is the only Christmas we’ll have,” said Viotto, decked in a red turtleneck, clutching her new coffee maker and frying pan.

Four years ago, a Fort Myers Police officer devoted to senior services started the Adopt a Senior program to help elderly people who may not have a holiday otherwise, said Officer Joselyn Cutlip.

The officer retired the next year, and Cutlip stepped in as coordinator.

“They never ask for anything elaborate,” Cutlip said. “They ask for simple things we take for granted.”

Although the police department organized the gift giving, all city employees were given the chance to adopt a senior. Seniors in the two housing complexes were then chosen at random, asked to write down their holiday wish and paired with a gift giver.

With about a half-dozen officers, volunteers and Police Chief Larry Hart, Officer Max Mansell dressed as Santa Claus and Kathy Sullen as Mrs. Claus to pass out the gifts Saturday.

Mansell, who added sunglasses and tennis shoes to his Santa suit, said donning the costume is one of his favorite parts of the holiday.

“Our seniors are as important as children at this time of year,” he said. “The seniors are often the forgotten ones.”

Letha Bennett, 95, of Flossie M. Riley Garden apartments, knew she was getting a gift, but the Santa visit was a surprise.

“It’s Christmas come early,” she said, holding brightly wrapped gifts of a jacket and blanket. “I know I’ll be able to keep warm this winter.”

Hallie Studemire, 71, who has lived in Bonair Towers for 11 years, was happy to get a gift, but said the overwhelming feeling of happiness was more important.

“I feel so loved today,” she said, smiling. “This is what Christmas feels like.”



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