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Commissioners Attend Workshop Friday, February19, 1999, the Fort Myers Housing Authority commissioners attended a seminar conducted by Rector & Moffitt, Certified Public Accountants. During the seminar the commissioners reviewed the current financial status of the Fort Myers Housing Authority, the recently enacted "Quality Housing and Work Responsibility of 1998, and the most recently published HUD financial indicators methodology and analysis guide. Dale Rector of Recto & Moffitt led the discussion with commissioners in comparison of the Fort Myers Housing Authority with others in its peer group. Mr. Rector congratulated the commissioners and expressed his communication with HUD and their congratulations to the commissioners on their phenomenal strides in the past twenty four months in addressing financial issues which throughout the United States have been unprecedented as Housing Authorities proceed from Welfare to Work programs. In all categories, FMHA favorably compared and exceeded its peer group average in the pertinent financial indicators, including operating budget and expenditures. Mr. Rector commended Mr. Queen, his staff, and the commissioners for their dedicated efforts and expressed his desire to use the Fort Myers Housing Authority as a model among Housing Authorities in the Southeast United States and especially in Florida.