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I know a simple secret chiropractors don't want you to know!



Not for just a while but for many years he had to massage the injured areas to relax the muscle then push the vertebrae back into position. WHAT a RELIEF he gave but the EXPENSE continued and I had to put up with return of the pain in a few days and then back for another adjustment.

Having built my own home almost single handed I often injured myself and most often it was the back. The worst accident was when I was placing a 4"x12" wood beam on top of a 4x4 post and as I started down the ladder it tipped and fell onto my head and shoulder. Being young and hearty I took the shock and caught the beam on my shoulder but suffered from compressed disks for some time afterwards. In all I had three vertebra that periodically twisted out of position up to 3/8 of an inch, causing dull to sever pain in my neck and back. You could easily feel the irregularities in my spine.

Quit by luck, the last time I switched chiropractors I happened to go to one that used an "EMS" (ELECTRICAL MUSCLE STIMULATOR). My background was electronics design so I took a keen interest in learning all I could about his instrument and probed so much that he asked if I would be interested in a partnership building and selling a "TENS" (TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRICAL NEUROLOGIC STIMULATOR) unit which is very similar but has a broad consumer market (AT A HIGH "MEDICAL EQUIPMENT" PRICE) for relief of pain, muscle stimulation, healing broken bones, etc.


My first step was to borrow his equipment manuals so I could redesign and improve the circuits, plus learn some basics. My hope was to 'build my own cure'. My interest in the electrical aspect of treating the human body got my going on the development of an improved and more versatile TENS and EMS unit. But as the product was improved and tested (on me, by me) I realized I still had my back problems. Sure, I could relax a tense muscle and feel some relief but I still needed the Chiropractor to push my bones back into place every week. Mean while, my TENS unit was working well so we sent to get the Government forms for filing for approval for medical applications. What a shock when the package arrived - it was 2" thick of more forms and procedures then you could imagine. We figured it would take $10,000 and 6 months to apply, with no guarantee we would get it approved, since there were many new features and of course they take special testing for approval.


Well, I am not dumb, so I decided if I was to find a 'cure' for me I had to learn more, so each week I borrowed another medical/chiropractic book to study. Now, with the dream of making big bucks out of the way, my intention of finding a cure for my back problems was so I could fire my chiropractor! Time went on and I devoured book after book when suddenly out of the blue the pieces fell into place. One paragraph I had read months ago suddenly tied in with a therapy treatment and I knew I had found the answer. LIKE ALL GOOD THINGS IT WAS CLEARLY LOGICAL AND SUPERBLY SIMPLE.


We heal ourselves - doctors just give our body a booster shot or drug or assist by removing some bad part to help speedup the process. Even with the junky foods we eat we make millions of new cells daily to replace everything from hair to heart muscle. There is no dispute that doctors treat problems but rarely fix them. Chiropractors manipulate or adjust misplaced parts but never fix them. Some practitioners may tell you how to heal yourself but that would be rare, even though they all know you are the ultimate healer.

Our bones are held together by muscles - if you had no muscles you would crumple up on the floor like a rag doll. Muscles together with tendons hold your bones in position and limit their range of motion. The muscles must be programmed to relax and tighten at the right instant to keep us from flopping into a ball on the floor. Think about that for a minute, your backbone is a stack of bones with your very critical spinal cord running thru the middle (like a string of beads). The bones on the sides of your vertebrae are attachment points for the muscles that keep you in alignment. If you suffer tension or a damaged muscle pulls too hard on one side you are of course pulled out of alignment and may suffer pain and possibly damage to your spinal cord. The brain controls the muscles - guess what keeps you in true alignment - your brain!

Now you can teach your brain lots of stuff but everyone seems to have forgotten we have to re-teach it some times, even such things as how to have a straight backbone. On the end of each muscle or tendon is a tension sensor that tells our brain how much is the normal pull and your limit for that muscle. Well, if you have an injury in a specific muscle, it will rebel and screams to the brain to ease up so you wind up twisted off center, to avoid the pain and more damage. This imbalance will cause a curvature of the spine and thus excessive strain elsewhere due to the need to compensate for an off center load. Pain far removed from the problem can be caused by the brain, in conjunction with our inner ear gravity sensor trying to keep us upright by balancing us agains the pull of gravity. That is normal but in its action undue stress is put on some other muscle in our body.


Say you are on the phone 5 hours a day and sit with the phone balanced on your shoulder (head bent sideways to hold it). What you are telling your brain is that 'I want to be in that position' and sure enough after a few weeks you have neck curvature to the left. Until you retrain those vertebrae muscles in your neck , that will be your "normal" position. There will now be an imbalance in muscle tensions and bone position which will cause pain and a persistent problem.


Very simply put, retrain you brain to maintain you vertebra in a straight line. The electrical muscle stimulators retrain the brain by repeated flexing of particular muscles to a limit of tension determined by the electrical pulse voltage employed. That is not the solution to our immediate problem, as we have too many muscles involved in the vertebrae.

I researched and tested simple exercises that train in just minutes a day major muscle groups to solve most back problems. The main exercise, the solution to 75% of back problems and half of other related pains is a simple twisting of the spine to the left and to the right.

I found just 5 minutes a day kept me away from the chiropractor and after a few weeks of the exercise I could even skip many days before I could feel misalignment problems. That was 10 years ago and with additional injuries and ageing I find this exercise solves all of my back and neck pains in no time at all.


With your feet planted firmly about 18" apart (for stability) rotate your head and whole spine to the left as far as you can until you feel tension in a few areas of your neck and/or back. Hold for a few seconds and slowly twist in the opposite direction and hold a few seconds. Do for at least 4 to 5 minutes a day. If you are sedentary do it at least twice a day. You will find it easier to do properly if you rest your hands on top of your head. I like to see how far I can aim my elbow behind myself and then twist the head more to see as far behind myself in each direction. In this way you attain maximum rotation of both the neck and backbone. Also, it gives an easy measure of how much you are limbering up and extending your flexibility. Repeat this for 5 minutes but start out doing less if you get worse pain.
Rotating is not much exercise, so you should not tire easily!

REMEMBER, you are TRAINING YOUR BRAIN as to how much tension each muscle is allowed and not trying to tear an already damaged muscle or tendon. DO NOT TWIST OR SURGE RAPIDLY, as that causes an automatic compensating response from your brain to tense up some muscles, which is counter productive. IF YOU WISH THIS CAN BE DONE WHILE SITTING UPRIGHT IN A CHAIR, but you lose the training to your ankles, knees and hip muscles that a full twist in a standing position will give you.


Lower back injuries and pain are linked to the brain’s failure to send warning signals to back muscles, according to a discovery by the University of Queensland Physiotherapy Department. Dr Paul Hodges found the brain failed to send messages to certain back muscles in people who already suffered lower back pain, warning the muscles to prepare for movement and so protect against injury.

For general relief of pain or tension you should also do some limbering up exercises but they will be left up to you, to meet your preferences. Any exercise repeated to full tension on specific muscles for many minutes aids in retraining the brain.

One final thing, water in your spinal disks is the supporting medium for 75% of your upper body and is the sole lubricant for back or neck motion! According to Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of "The Bodies Many Cries for Water, 1992", few people drink enough water and being dehydrated reduces the lubriction of your back joints and may be your sole cause of persistent back and neck pain! For this lubrication to take effect, you must also get some exercise or motion of the joints, to circulate the lubricant. Neck pain in particular can be caused by lack of motion, since the weight of the head will force water out of the disks making the neck stiff and painful.

You see, the above exercises not only train the muscles and brain for proper spinal alignment but also improve lubrication of the joints! The nice thing about these treatments are that you get relief in hours or days, not months and thus are more likely to keep with the program.


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