Help your body cure itself!
Vitamins and minerals are familiar to all, but you may not realize that vitamins aren't activated until they join enzymes.
Most Americans have a very pronounced enzyme deficiency. This lack of enzymes leads to all sorts of medical complications. The following is a quote from Dr. Edward Howell, author of Enzyme Nutrition. He was the recognized leading expert of enzymes and their supplementation. "Our Body's life force, vitality, vital force, strength, nerve energy or what ever you choose to call it has enzymes at its core. Without the life energy of enzymes we would be nothing more than a pile of lifeless chemical substances - vitamins, minerals, water and proteins. In both maintaining health and in healing, enzymes, and only enzymes, do the actual work. They are what we call, in metabolism, the body's labor force. Each one of us is given a limited supply of bodily enzyme energy at birth. This supply, like the energy supply in a new battery, has to last a lifetime. The Faster you use up your enzyme supply, the shorter your life. A great deal of our enzyme energy is wasted haphazardly throughout life. The habit of cooking our food and eating it processed with chemicals; and the use of alcohol, drugs, and junk food all draw out tremendous quantities of enzymes from our limited supply. Frequent colds and fevers and exposure to extremes of temperature also deplete the supply. A body in such weakened, enzyme-deficient state is a prime target for cancer, obesity, heart disease, or other degenerative problems. A lifetime of such abuse often ends in the tragedy of death at middle age." The saying 'You are what you eat' is only partly correct. The truth is, you are what you digest. We cannot expect to be healthy if our digestive system isn't functioning properly. Enzymes are essential to a healthy digestive system and a healthy body because they help transform undigested food into nutrients.
An "enzyme" acts in certain ways in the body to do specific jobs such as
The first person to actively study enzymes was Dr. Edward Howell in the 1930s. He determined that your quality of life and energy level depend on enzymes. If you're low on enzymes then you will have health problems.
There are seven categories of food enzymes:
A nursing mother provides her baby with all the enzymes it needs to digest her milk. Have you ever noticed that the stool of a breast-fed baby doesn't stink? It's only when a baby starts eating cooked, processed food that his stool begins to stink.
This happens because the cooked food won't digest properly and travels, undigested, into the small intestine. (Once we cook food at high temperatures of 118 degrees F. or more, enzymes are destroyed and no longer work.) It's the beginning of the toxemia cycle (undigested food putrefying in the bowel tract that continues to poison the blood), which is the root of all disease.
It's been estimated that 80% of diseases are caused by improperly digested foods and their by-products being absorbed into the body ("Survival into the 21st Century" by Viktoras Kulvinskas).
Individual enzymes have also been used to alleviate skin ailments (psoriasis, acne, eruptions, stretch marks, etc.), chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease, circulatory problems, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, fatigue, Epstein-Barr Syndrome, asthma, allergies, arthritis, swelling, bee stings, joint mobility, diabetes, respiratory ailments, viruses, bacteria, mutant cells, fever, all types of infections (including colds, flu, sore throat, yeast), parasites, Candida albicans, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, tumors, depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD and insomnia.
What if you're already healthy and active? You may already be taking vitamins, minerals, and other concentrated foods. What makes all of these elements work? Enzymes.
Athletes and other active individuals can benefit by taking enzyme supplements because any time the body temperature is raised, as during exercise, enzymes are used up more rapidly than normal. Carbohydrates are burned more rapidly, and more nutrients are needed for fuel supplies. The active individual usually eats mostly cooked food so it's like burning the candle at both ends. Enzymes are used up rapidly and little is brought in to replenish the supply.
As you grow more health-conscious, you strive for a greater enjoyment of life. More energy, and a stronger mind and body will be needed to face the stresses that the future will bring. Enzymes can be instrumental in achieving such a goal.
What you WILL experience is an increase in formed bowel movements - at least 1 to 2 times a day, usually after every meal - "one meal in, one meal out." Also, these movements will not have a foul odor. When this happens, it means your food is being digested properly and used by your body instead of sitting in your intestines to rot and putrefy.
You may experience mild symptoms of cleansing such as acne, bloating, gas, dull headaches or queasiness. These are only temporary. If you experience discomfort, make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to reduce the cleansing symptoms and get at least 10 to 15 minutes of exercise daily.
It's been clinically proven that the more enzymes you take, the quicker your body can repair, restore, and strengthen itself, sometimes taking a few days to a few weeks. (Allergy symptoms usually disappear 1 hr. after taking Amylase!) However, for minimal usage, you must wait at least 3 to 4 months before evaluating your results. It takes time to re-educate the body's natural ability to repair, restore, and strengthen itself, so be patient.
You'll also notice changes in your body. Your body can do magnificent healing on its own, given the proper nutrients.
Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote in his book "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management" that "...the greatest healing power comes from within out. We find that healing comes according to the one law...; that is 'Hering's Law of Cure.' It states that 'All cure starts from within out and from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared.'"
Do you understand what that means? This means we have to return over the same "track" we traveled to get the disease.
Let me repeat: Your body can do magnificent healing on its own, given the proper nutrients.
Another important thing to remember is to include L. Salivarius and L. Plantarum in your daily regimen of dietary supplements. These two friendly bacteria work to restore the proper balance of bacteria in your intestinal flora, attacking many of the unfriendly bacteria and other detrimental "invaders" while promoting the growth of beneficial organisms. These hard-working probiotics (pro = for, biotics = life) produce a variety of substances that can prevent cancerous tumors, deactivate viruses, produce natural antibodies, reduce cholesterol, and enhance the immune system.
Westminster Abbey was begun by King Lucius in A.D. 170. The vaults are crowded with illustrious dead whose monuments cover the walls of the vast church. One of the smallest slabs -- more interesting than all the fine marbles to princes and poets -- says:
"Thomas Parr of ye county of Salopp, born A.D. 1482. He lived in ye reigns of ten kings: Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III, Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, James I, Charles I. Buried here November 15, 1635. Aged 152 years."
Before Parr was interred in Westminster, his history was carefully investigated. The parish register of his native village proves he was baptized in 1483. Legal documents and court entries show that he inherited a small farm from his father in 1560, and that he took a wife three years later when eighty. He married again in 1605 at the age of 122. When over 130 he pleaded guilty, in court, to the charge of being the father of an illegitimate child. He was a farmer all his life. His great age attracted the notice of the King who invited him to the palace for a visit, as the King wished to investigate his exceptional longevity.
Parr's last days were spent in the palace. History says his perfect faculties and marvelous memory made him a matchless entertainer. No wonder -- what reminiscences a man, who lived in ten reigns, must have had!
After Parr's death, Harvey, who discovered the circulation of the blood, made an autopsy, by order of King Charles, to find out why he lived so long. The great surgeon's report in Latin, still preserved, states that Parr died from acute indigestion brought on by indulgence in unaccustomed luxuries.
All of the old man's organs were in perfect condition and Harvey describes the colon as normal in position and in other respects like that of a child.
Modern microbiologists say that in this report Harvey unknowingly reveals the secret of Parr's long life, because his minute description of the intestines proves that the congenital, protective flora had not been lost.
Enzymes taken on an empty stomach will get into the blood and clean it. Enzymes taken with meals will thoroughly digest food. Deficiency diseases can be eliminated or avoided with the proper nutrition taken on a daily basis.
It's important that you use potent, medical grade, plant-based enzymes -- available individually as well as a complex of sucrase, lactase, protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, and maltase -- and probiotics.
We hope this has been helpful, please bookmark it for a friend! PII doe's not sell any chelation compounds, just being helpful!
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