Sanibel Elementary School Expansion Project


tidbul1e.gif (155 bytes) Needs Analysis Committee

tidbul1e.gif (155 bytes) Planning Committee

tidbul1e.gif (155 bytes) Curriculum Committee

tidbul1e.gif (155 bytes) Capital Project/Building Committee

tidbane.gif (14420 bytes)


WB00766_.gif (600 bytes)Needs Analysis Committee

This committee will work on gathering information to determine whether there is an interest and a need for expansion of the school to include grades 6, 7 and 8.  A survey will be conducted to gauge these factors for Sanibel and Captiva Island residents.   This committee will gather data from other sources as well to determine if there has been population growth in school-age kids on the islands in the past 10 years or so.   Data gathering and information analysis will be the key function of this group for the initial phase.   As of June 1, 1998, this committee has finished what it needed to complete.

WB00766_.gif (600 bytes)Application Committee  

This group will complete the application to the county for a unique school.  This involves research into K-8 schools around the state and country, interaction with several members of Lee County staff for information gathering and the formal write-up.  This committee will be presenting its final proposal to the School Board on September 22, 1998.

WB00766_.gif (600 bytes)Curriculum Committee

This will be a committee made up of teachers, administrators, and community members involved in planning the curriculum to meet requirements as well as the educational needs of the kids.  This committee should be a dynamic group focusing on traditional coursework as well as taking advantage of the unique environment Sanibel offers for enrichment.  This committee will address issues involving extra-curricular activities as well.  The direction of the Sanibel School Foundation will be developed, with Board input into what funding the Foundation can offer for needs that are unmet by county dollars.

WB00766_.gif (600 bytes)Capital Project/Building Committee

This committee will need expertise in the areas of capital improvements and school and building plans.  Sanibel Elementary is slated for renovations regardless of the expansion project due to the age of the structure. 

Contact us about joining a committee - we can use expertise and enthusiasm.