Woodhaven Finn MacCool, CD CGC TDI

Service Dog

It seems like we go through our lives taking everything for granted, making plans and expecting the next page I did would be another new obedience title. Oh heck, a year ago Finn & I went off to a Statewide Obedience Competition for the weekend to have great fun. I had an unexpected ear infection, something unheard of for this healthy person who never even got colds. Along with this came vertigo and balance problems. Weeks went by, my hearing started to leave and ended with hearing loss so far down to 85% in the right ear & 25% in the left ear. I also began to have breathing problems.

It took almost 8 months of tests to finally get a diagnosis! I have an autoimmune disease called
Sarcoidosis. This disease usually starts by attacking the lungs then moves on to other parts of the body. Wouldn't you just know I would have to get something uncommon and for which there is no treatment except Steroids.

I decided that I had to do something to be able to help myself and darn fast. I started training Finn to speak on command, taught him to wake me when the alarm went off and alert for doorbells, smoke alarms, and stove timers. He also helps me to balance when walking and pick up things for me.

I really think when I bought Finn as a tiny pup for a show/obedience dog that God had a much bigger plan in mind. From the beginning he was my second skin and quickly became my heartdog. He went through Obedience titles at unheard of speed and age. People asked me, why the rush and darn if I could ever answer that one. I just knew I was being pushed and my little heartdog was driving on. He loved retrieving, he loved birds, but I couldn't get him to hunt.... he wouldn't leave me! I used to say he had missed his calling in life, he was meant to be a service dog. Never realizing in the end that he would indeed become mine.

So now 'Mr. Sweetpuss' has his wish of never being away from me, hears for me, brings the telephone, gets me up when I fall, helps me get through the stores when my balance is off and the noise makes me totally deaf, gets cans of Pedigree off the shelf and puts them in the shopping cart (his favorite), picks up what I drop, warns me when people are trying to get my attention and slows me down when he knows I'm overdoing. If you happen to see us out there, notice that tail that never stops wagging ..... the fella has finally fullfilled his calling in life and note his Mom who is so very grateful to have been so very blessed.

And here is my rock waiting and asking "What next Mom?" !

Well darn Finn, I don't know what's next, only God can answer that one. But I do know we are moving on and this little road block isn't going to stop us. Together kid, you and I can climb any mountain.


Shopping with Finn

Links for more information on Service Dogs:

Owner Trained Assistance Dog List


Paws with a Cause

Service Dog Access


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