Mr. Potato Head home page

Mr. Potato Head, © 1992, 1994 Playskool, Inc., a subsidary of Hasbro, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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This page is guaranteed to be the most comprehensive page out there! It includes: Mr. Potato Head biography, merchandise, data bits, links, funny faces and a large graphics collection. If there is anything else you would like to see on this page, e-mail the author here or at the bottom of any one of the pages. If you have any viewing problems, again, please let the author know!

Let's get started...

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Mr. Potato Head Biography
Mr. Potato Head Data Bits
Mr. Potato Head funny faces.

In the August 14, 1997 issue of "Dummies Daily," (Tip World) this very Mr. Potato Head site was featured in "Web After Five." It is not readily available on the site, but here is an original 'copy' of it.

© Lynn Peltz 1998. Any unauthorized reproduction of the
Mr. Potato Head home pages authored by Lynn Peltz is unlawful.