lynn peltz. lynn peltz.

Hello. My name is Lynn Peltz. I am 17 years old and a junior in High School. To Mr. Potato Head home page.If you are here, you have probably looked at my Mr. Potato Head home page.

About my passions.. well, Mr. Potato Head, obviously. I'm starting to get into art (following my sister, Jen's footsteps), as you can see by my M.C. Escher link below. I have two Pugs.. Zak and Chi-Chi. I like working in Ceramics, but I can't do much more than a piece of clay that looks like a bowl. But, I did just turn out a cool clay hand.. I'll try and get a pic up soon.

Well, about music, I'll listen to pretty much anything voluntarily except opera, country, christian and "smooth jazz". I'm starting to enjoy ska and punk a little more every day. I haven't really been listening long enough to have favorite bands but Less Than Jake , Operation Ivy, the Bosstones, NOFX and Screeching Weasel are pretty good.

Movies. Ahhh.. movies! Well, what can I say.. nothing beats sitting through 2 hours of action or whatever. No, that was not sarcasm. Ummm.. I like just about anything but Barbara Streisand looovvveee movies (e.g. The Mirror Has Two Faces). I like more hardcore things like 7 and most action films. Comedy isn't too bad. A good comedy is always the best after watching a terribly depressing bloody movie.

Hmmm.. what takes up my time. WORK! SCHOOL! SLEEP!!!!! That's the jist of it. I work at great place called The Bagel Factory, owned and operated by Mark and Tara Lukasik. I have been employed there since October 1996 and with that money I earned I bought myself a 1980 VW Cabriolet:

Real interesting huh? Well, my dad did all of the body work and he painted it purple in our garage. If every you see a purple garage, it's my house. School.. yay. I'm a Junior at Fort Myers High School and I can't wait to get out. 'Nuff said! SLEEP! The teenager's FAVORITE hobby!

To make this page even longer, I am going to share my views about some subject matters. First off, I like to think of my self as very open-minded and I cannot tolerate people who think less of others because of religious, racial or even sexual orientation differences. I think that said a lot. Second of all, I am not very religious and I will always respect other's and their religion until they try to convert me. One thing I really don't understand is religion. I am not preaching but how can a higher being could have created everything on this earth. What I'm saying here is that I'm an athiest and I believe in evolution. Furthermore, I think people from different cultures are absolutely amazing! Anyone that doesn't appreciate other cultures should re-examine themselves.

Just in case you're wondering "Why Mr. Potato Head?," I like him, o.k.? =)

Some links..