Just who am I?
This page has a little of
my life history and miscellaneous information about me for those who are nosy and/or don't
know already!
meeting Tommy employment
hobbies favorites
likes/dislikes cherished memories

I was
born in Maryland in July of 1968 and moved to Colorado shortly after that, and then
grew up (an only child) in Aberdeen,
Washington from about 4 years of age through Highschool. Growing up, I
was very involved in choir and small vocal group, the school newspaper, Jazz Cats (dancing
cheerleaders), school senate, and I loved being the varsity baseball team's
statistician. I graduated from AHS in 1986 (whew..I am getting old) and moved just
outside of Las Angeles in Long Beach,California where I went to school at the Brooks College and lasted almost 3 month
before getting entirely too homesick and scared. My next move was to Mt. Vernon, WA...about 3 hours away from home.
(That was more like it ) where I lived for over a year and went to a small community
college there (Skagit Valley CC). I continued
my education at Auburn University in Alabama where I
received my degree in Accounting in 1992.
met my husband, Tommy, at Auburn in February of 1990. We had a business law
class together and I had no idea who he was...then one day this guy started sitting in the
front row next to me..(he came from somewhere in the back of the room) and before
I knew it we were competing for the highest grade on each test. (I won every time)
Eventually we discovered that we both worked at the same place...The Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center....he
worked in the kitchen and I worked in the bar. We really started talking one night
when we both ended up taking our break at the same time. We decided to get together
and watch a video...( I will leave out the part about me cooking him the worst dinner I
have ever had) ...and that's it! We've been together ever since! He proposed
in December of that year and we got married in August 1991 in Washington State.

after graduating from college I worked as assistant comptroller at Robinson Foundry in Alexander City, AL.
Tommy and I bought a house on Lake Martin in
Alexander City in 1993...bought a gas station/convenience store nearby in the summer of
1994....In September 1994 I took my maternity leave. After my favorite little guy was
born...I couldn't go back...the thought of putting him in a daycare while he was that
young made me sad. By the time he was 3 months old I had found a very wonderful lady
to take care of him during the day..(until he was 1 1/2 and then he went to daycare to
play with other kids) and off to work I went. From December 1994 until December
1998 I managed our convenience store...Riverbend Gas and Grocery. I loved it
(although it was a lot more work and less pay than my previous job ) and by the time I
left I had a great bunch of people working for me and a super bunch of regular customers!
In January 1999 we made the
big move to Cape Coral, Florida because of a great
job opportunity for Tommy. We left all our friends and Tommy's family, we left our
house and store in the hands of Tommy's parents, and moved to a place where we knew
absolutely nobody. So that brings me to today...where I still don't know many people
but I love my job at a small private school in town. There is still a lot of adjusting to
do for all of us, but we're getting there.

Surfing the web and creating web
pages, reading and collecting hardcover horror novel (Stephen King especially, but I have
a pretty good collection of Koontz, Barker, Saul, Crichton, and Cook), buying and selling
on ebay's online auction (where I have bought most of
my books), collecting Teddy Bears (hence the background and graphics), collecting
Disney/Children's videos (although I like to say that C.J. collects them), writing poetry,
singing (although most of this is done in the shower or in the car now)

thrillers & horror (but not the mindless blood and guts type), Comedies (not
Forrest Green with burgundy
(online in the zone), backgammon, debating
politics with my hubby (hehe)
(best friend from back home), Jeff (also another great friend from back home whom I
haven't seen in years), Krischne (my best cyberfriend), and of course my mom and husband
are two of my very best friends!
listening, 80's rock, King Crimson, carpenters (don't laugh), Kenny Rogers...(.basically
anything other than Rap, alternative, and heavy metal (in which you can't hear the
and ham pizza, broccoli & cauliflower with cheese sauce, spicy Italian food,
liverwurst sandwiches, watermelon, my mom's taco pie, raw oysters, potato salad, mashed
potatoes, mint chocolate chip ice-cream, and Tommy's Cheesecakes (mmmm he makes the best),
cheese fondue
Things to
do...watch sunsets and thunderstorms, listen to the rain, curl up with
a blanket and a good book, chat on the computer, work on my web page, roller skating
(although its been a while), skinny dipping in Lake Martin (hehe)
Places to
be...on the beach at night, at an Auburn football game, and with my
Authors...Stephen King, e.e. cummings
TV shows...ER,
Alley McBeal, Melrose Place (over now), BH 90210, Xfiles, Millennium,

and dislikes
open-minded people, honesty from
a friend, fondue for two, walking barefoot in the sand, fine dining restaurants, the way
it smells after a good rain, candlelight baths, hugs, the innocent look on a
child's face when they sleep.
Gobs of heavy blue eyeshadow,
people who fart in public for the fun of it, cigar smoke in a small room,
hypocrites, jeans that hang lower than underwear, jealousy, standing in line, generally
inconsiderate people, cake frosting, twangy country music

Memories that I cherish
proposing to me in front of the Christmas tree, bringing C.J. home from the hospital after
he was born, eating ice cream with my grandparents while watching Lawrence Welk on TV,
being Little Miss Grays Harbor (age...6?), creating friendships during the Miss Grays
Harbor pageant, Caribbean Cruise with mom for my 21st birthday, the Jamaica vacation
with Tommy, dressing up with Becky and taking pictures of each other, listening to Jeff
play the guitar, high school parties....sheesh...there are a lot of them...
embarrassing moments....
Conversation about birth
control with Tommy's father before Tommy and I were engaged. (WOW, that was a doozie),
bird targeting my head while talking to a cute guy in highschool.

well, that about covers
everything except I love my family very much and it doesn't matter where we are as long as
we are together.

