The Rayfields....Tommy ..Michelle...and C.J.

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These are some of my favorite useful links. These are links that I found on my own and felt the need to share with other moms. (and dads) Please feel free to e-mail me with other great sites you find!

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Great recipe sites     Parent's support and information

    Information sources for women   For your entertainment....

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Great recipe sites

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Plan your weekly meals, get great recipes and even print out you shopping list!

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A great recipe site where you can create and design your own cookbooks for easy reference or submit your own favorite recipes

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The Washington Gourmet

Great if you want a little something special when the kids are away

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A  growing archive of great pasta recipes

What's Cookin America

recipes from all over the country, cooking tips and historical facts, seasonal menu ideas, food safety and a question and answer posting

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put the fun back into cooking, with experimental and accidental recipes, gadget reviews, helpful tips, and stain removal hints

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Parent's support and information

ParntTalkHomeHeadrTm.gif (3074 bytes)featuring stories and tips from parents plus parenting advice from experts, online safety tips and recipe and travel ideas.

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an organization for work at home and stay at home moms allowing them to connect with each other to learn and grow in both their business and personal lives

parentsoup.gif (1750 bytes)community where parents can discuss and learn about parenting, kids, adoption, family issues, dating, money, travel, entertainment, and more from the experts and each other

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information on child-related issues from birth through college

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Resource for parents interested in helping their children develop successful money management habits and financial responsibility

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Even more help for the most important job in the world

timeout.gif (2335 bytes)Make your child's top 15 turning points learning points (and keep your sanity). Test your parenting skills by facing frustrating comments in their education timeline, from "I'm Bored" to "You Can't Make Me!"

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support for the at-home motherhood lifestyle.....You can subscribe to their magazine or just read some really great articles on their site

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A heartwarmingly site for stay at home moms

SAHM I am..

Good resource for  stay-at-home parents

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humor as coping tool for stress; titles include: Parenting with Humor (Is it Possible?); The Joy of Stress; Jest for the Health of It.

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The M word...a parenting humor magazine

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Information source for women

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Answers a lot of women's questions about gyn visits and themselves


offers women's health resources and materialsContains current health news, hot topics, and FAQ's

Forum for Women's Health

a collection facts, information, advice, and suggestions to help you deal with your health concerns. All content on these pages is designed, written, and developed by a woman physician and along with other women's health professionals.

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For your entertainment....

You know you're a parent when......

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an offbeat, irreverent  look at the day's headlines

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collection of man bashing and woman bashing jokes

100 Reasons Why Its Great To Be A Guy...


what women really mean...Women v. English

Frequently Asked Questions About Men

an honest but funny look at some of men's behavior that often puzzle women.

Men Suck

A cute little entertaining site for women...probably not so cute for men! Men bashing for fun!

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an ever-changing vault of humorous long and short stories

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