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I am so glad you stopped in! I hope you bookmark my site because it is always changing!

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So here is the original reason for the creation of our site. . . .

. . .since our move in January 1999 to Cape Coral, Florida, there are even more people to keep informed of the goings on in our lives. Tommy and I have now taken the only grandchild 3600 miles away from Grandma and    Grandpa, and 600 miles away from Nana and Pop.... so this is for them and the other friends and family we have moved away from! (new friends are welcome to visit too!)

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But now . . . .

As time goes on I am finding more interesting things to add to this site...and I have met some very nice people to share it with ... so it is now starting to grow into a little more than just a family update!

  Please remember to sign our Guestbook each time you visit!  It makes me happy!!!   


  INDEXdrip2.gif (4386 bytes)

EMAIL    SIGN GUESTBOOK   drip2.gif (4386 bytes)  VIEW GUESTBOOK  

  ALTERNATE GUESTBOOKdrip2.gif (4386 bytes)

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