Florida District of the Unitarian Universalist Association

Message from the District Executive

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by Bob Reed, bbsbob@earthlink.net

Unitarian Universalists Responding to a National Tragedy
Rev. Dr. Richard Speck
September 12, 2001

As our country begins to understand the magnitude of the horrific events of the previous day in Washington, DC, New York City, and in southwestern Pennsylvania, Unitarian Universalists are responding to this tragedy in both tangible and intangible ways. We have joined with other religious and civic leaders around the world in condemning in the strongest terms the unprovoked attack on innocent civilians as they went about their everyday lives. We have opened our churches to prayer vigils and worship services for those killed and injured. The Reverend Bill Sinkford, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, stated: "I am appalled by the tragic events of this day. We hold in our hearts the people injured and killed. I urge us to come together as a religious community and to avoid panic. My prayers are with the victims, their families, and our entire country." He spoke at a worship service at All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, DC, Tuesday evening. Many of our congregations will be having services tonight and in the days following to allow people to express their grief and fears and find hope to carry on.

As people of faith, we deplore violence upon anyone and especially terrorist acts on innocents. Now is the time to assist our fellow citizens in rebuilding their lives after this shattering destruction in our country. As of now it is uncertain who caused this destruction. We will know in the future who is responsible for this human tragedy and use the force of international law to deal appropriately with them. Our congregations in the Joseph Priestley District of the Unitarian Universalist Association are united in opposing any response to our fellow citizens and foreigners in our country who might be targeted for revenge just because they practice a certain religion or are from a certain country. Hatred and retaliation inspired by bigotry is wrong whether it comes from people from the Middle East or from our own country. Our Bull Run Unitarian Universalist Church, Manassas, VA, has reached out to the Muslim community to offer sanctuary should that become necessary.

This Sunday our congregations will all be focusing our services on finding a path to a more peaceful world where events like this past Tuesday are forever ended. There is a hymn in our hymnal that we are urging to be sung to the tune of Finlandia. "This is my song, O God of all the nations, a song of peace for lands afar and mine." May we find that song of peace lifting up the vision of a more peaceful and just world for each of us in the days and weeks ahead.
We offer our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones and stand with those still waiting to hear the fate of those from family and friendship. Let us unite in love and hope for a better world as we seek comfort from our religious communities in dealing with this national tragedy. May we find the presence of the holy in our communities and an everlasting love for one another.

Yours in the Faith,

The Rev. Dr. Richard Speck, District Executive
Joseph Priestley District of the Unitarian Universalist Association