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    City of Fort Myers


    Resident Info










The Fort Myers Housing Authority works with the Fort Myers Police Department (FMPD) to continue to provide safe housing for their residents.  With assistance from a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug Elimination Grant, the Fort Myers Housing Authority is able to contract with the FMPD to provide a higher level of service to its residents.  This program called Community Policing is working in public housing and this year’s report show how those efforts are paying off:


Overall Public Housing Part 1 Crimes

1998 – 449

2000 – 303

146 decrease in Part 1 crimes for a 32.5% decrease.



1998 – 141

2000 -   91

50 less burglaries for a 35.4% decrease



1998 – 179

2000 – 344

165 more arrests were made for a 47.9% increase


Calls for service:

1998 – 6,198

2000 – 9,778

3,580 more calls for service for a 36.6% increase


Over all public housing developments year to date:

Year to date Part 1 crimes – decreased by 6.7% (decreased by 22 Part 1 Crimes)

Year to date Burglaries – decreased by 3.1% (decreased by 3 burglaries)

Year to date Arrests – minimal change 344 arrests

Year to date Calls for Service – increase 8% (increased by 783 Calls for Service)


As you can see these static’s speak for themselves.  Residents are working with the FMPD and the Fort Myers Housing Authority to deter crime in their developments as is evident by the number of calls for service.  Additionally, these calls are resulting in arrests, which is causing a decrease in crime.  The Fort Myers Police Department has been recognized throughout the Country as one of the municipal police departments with a quality and effective Community Policing program.


If you have a question on the Fort Myers Housing Authority Community Policing program or would like to meet with the Community Police Officer assigned to your development, contact the Fort Myers Housing Authority at 332-6622.

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