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    City of Fort Myers


    Resident Info









Adequate funding is an important element for all successful programs.  Proper funding is essential for the Housing Authority and their many partner organizations.  The FMHA continues to remain foremost in Southwest Florida with its dedicated team of staff and consultants in obtaining grants to enhance the lives of public housing residents.  Through grant funding resident services have been expanded to encourage positive lifestyle changes.


Elder Service Coordinator Grant

This was a three-year funded program from 1996 through 1998.  The program funded an Elder Service Coordinator and programs that included a team of registered nurses that conducted a needs assessment.  The outcome of that survey created a community networking system that enabled residents to receive training in health related activities, medications, treatments for depression and addictions, daily living activities, interdiction programs, and transportation.


Public Housing Drug Elimination Grant (PHDEP)

FMHA has been exceptionally successful in its application of funding from this grant.   This grant requires annual application.  To date, FMHA has received eight consecutive PHDEP grants totaling over $2,000,000.  Throughout the nation, FMHA has been unique as the recipient of so many consecutive grants.  These PHDEP grants provided increased community policing and crime deterrence through environmental design.   Through its close relationship with the City of Fort Myers' Police Department, the Housing Authority continues to address crime in public housing.  The PHDEP grants provide continued training for resident security patrol officers and provide funds for intervention and interdiction programs designed to eliminate crime and drugs in and around the public housing developments.

Through the funding from this grant, FMHA has upgraded the safety of all public housing developments.  In order to accomplish this, an on-site Community Policing Office has been developed.  The office has a police officer as the supervisor who oversees 8 community resource officers and 7 resident security patrol officers.  The Officers work closely with residents to assist them in making public housing a safer place to live.   They train residents how to be more observant and to report crimes.  This empowers residents to work closely with officers to create a safe environment for their families.

The Community Policing Program has brought national attention to FMHA and the Fort Myers Police Department.  They have been recognized as one of the leading cities in the nation that has been extremely successful in implementing a Community Policing Program and maintaining high results year after year.

In addition to security, FMHA provides prevention programs.  The Housing Authority has contracted with Southwest Florida Addiction Service Inc. to provide comprehensive services to individuals and families impacted by addiction and other problem behaviors.   Various training sessions have been held for residents covering the following topics:  Managing Stress, Not My Kids, Domestic Violence, Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Drugs, Conflict Resolution, Self Esteem, and Teen Pregnancy.

Through these concerted efforts, crime has been reduced in all public housing developments and the quality of life continues to improve.


Technical Assistance Grant

FMHA received this grant to aid in the implementation of the PHDEP grant.


Comprehensive Grants

FMHA applies for and receives these grants from HUD to enhance living conditions for residents.  These grants provide modernization to the Housing Authority for improvement of the physical structure of the residences, and provide assistance for the continual management and operational upgrade of the existing public housing development to insure their continuous improvement.


Gateway Section 322 Grant

Because of the emphasis FMHA puts on education, this grant was recently applied for and received.  This grant supplements and expands the current on-site literary educational services including provision for the Graduate Equivalency Degree and provides the necessary hardware and software for residents to expand their educational opportunities.

Home Up Education Services Youth Programs Grant Programs Resident Advisory Board