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    City of Fort Myers


    Resident Info









Residents had expressed their concerns about the lack of structured activities and adequate facilities available to their children.  In response to this, the Housing Authority of the City of Fort Myers (FMHA)  began a program that would address these concerns.  Through collaboration, FMHA was able to pursue some partnerships which lead to the programs below.


Annual Summer Camp Program

Summer Camp provides an innovative curriculum of education and recreation beginning the week that school is let out and ending the week prior to school beginning.   Certified teachers plan and execute the educational components of the camp and resident counselors plan and execute the recreational components.  Funding for this program is a combination of grants and community sponsorship.

The summer camp encourages teamwork, cooperation and positive self-esteem.   These qualities, along with positive leadership, will inevitably lead to assisting these youths in developing the necessary skills to become successful adults.  Many organizations work with FMHA on providing programs for summer camp: YMCA provides free swimming lessons and aquatic programs, Boys And Girls Club provides space for rotating groups of children to participate in their summer program, the City of Fort Myers Recreation Department provides free lunches and snacks, and several local community businesses provide supplies  and services such as movie tickets, free admissions to attractions, art equipment, and more.

This program has been the recipient of several awards by the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO).  This last year, in addition to an Award of Merit, it was also given an Award of Excellence.   FMHA is extremely proud of this award because it is the first program in the state of Florida to receive this recognition from NAHRO.


Carrie Robinson Center

This was an auditorium structure adjacent to the Southward Village development that   the FMHA renovated to create a recreational facility for resident youths.   Realizing that the cost of managing the facility was going to postpone its opening, FMHA contracted with the Lee County Boys and Girls Club to operate and manage the facility.  They created the Dunbar Teen Center.  This program provides a place for teens to hang out instead of hanging out in the streets.  Membership is free to all public housing residents.  In addition to providing space to sit and talk with friends, the center provides many programs for teens from 13 to 19 years of age.  The programs include: basketball, billiards, SAT assistance, computer lab, Smart Moves (guest speakers who initiated open discussions about teen issues), tutoring programs, Guy Talk and Girl Talk, RBI baseball program, and study hall.  The center is also available to other groups to schedule programs and events.


Summer Youth Hire Program

The Nations Association provides this program wherein FMHA public housing youth enroll in a summer hire program and are matched with companies located within the Enterprise Zone for summer employment.  99 percent of these students are guaranteed employment.  It is up to the youth to maintain a healthy attitude and job commitment.   Repeat employment summer after summer is 100 percent possible.


Drop-Out Prevention/Recovery Program

FMHA provides this program wherein 10 outstanding residents who are actively enrolled in school attend (at no charge) the local vocational school to become enrolled in courses.

Home Up Education Services Youth Programs Grant Programs Resident Advisory Board