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Jesse Dortch, Resident Initiative and Drug Elimination

The Fort Myers Housing Authority welcomes back Jesse Dortch to public housing,  but this time instead of as a resident as a new employee.  Mr. Dortch has been hired to work with Resident Initiatives and Drug Elimination under the direction of Anita Walker.  The focus of his work will be youth activities.

Mr. Dortch grew up in Michigan Family Development; his mother still resides there.  Jesse left Fort Myers to pursue his education with a full scholarship to Colby College in Kansas City through their wrestling program.  He was later recruited by Chicago State University with a full scholarship in their wrestling program.  Jesse graduated from Chicago State University this year with a degree in Criminal Justice.

"We could not be happier to have the opportunity to hire one of our residents to a key position such as working with our youth program," commented Executive Director Danny Queen.

Jesse commented, "I have often wondered if a position would be available to me at the Fort Myers Housing Authority when I graduated.  The staff make a difference in my life and helped me focus so that I could reach my potential.   I am very excited to have the opporunity to possibly do the same for resident youths."

Summer Camp and Kids Speak Out will be two of the immediate projects Jesse will be working with.  If you have an opporunity, be sure to welcome him back to Fort Myers.


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Artimus Walker, Manager Sabal Palms

Artimus has been promoted to Manager at Sabal Palms.  Mr. Walker ws formerly in charge of Inventory Control and Purchasing for the Fort Myers Housing Authority.


"When the managers position became available I was happy to have FMHA employees as candidates for the position.  Mr. Walker has excellent peole and organizational skills.  He has proven himself over the past year with the excellent job he has done in getting our inventory and puchasing program organized and running efficiently.  We are thrilled that he was interested in the position and we feel the residents at Sabal Palms will benefit greatly from his experience," commented Executive Director Danny Queen.

Mr. Walker will report directly to Angela Edison, Director of Management and will be responsible for the day to day operations of Sabal Palms.


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