Andrew Bio

Andrew and his cousin Sherry (about 12 years ago)

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Andrew was one of eight students out of 60 applicants selected to attend an Australian University for the academic year of 1997-1998 through NAU. He spent a year of study at the David Unaipon School of Aboriginal and Islander Studies at the University of South Australia, in Adelaide, South Australia. He was part of the International Indigenous Studies Project that linked Northern Arizona University, University of South Australia, and The University of Waikato. This program was dedicated to the exchange of students and professors to discuss the topics of contemporary indigenous issues and education. Through his time and research in Australia; Andrew was afforded the opportunity to visit many places and peoples through his travels, from Yirrkala to Ernabella, and Adelaide to Broome. Andrew certainly become enriched and influenced from his experiences. He is now finishing his final year of school, and will graduate from NAU in December of 1999 with a B.A. in History and Social Studies Secondary Education

Andrew has also learned how to play the didgeridoo, a musical instrument that sounds like nothing you've ever heard before.









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Jane Wojecki


Rusty Isler