The Start of our
"Kiwi" Experience
NEW ZEALAND Day 25 12/10/97 Wayward Bus Day 26 12/11/97 Great Coast Road Day 27 12/12/97 Twelve Apostles Day 28 12/13/97 Melbourne/Auckland Day 29 12/14/97 "Kiwi" Experience Day 30 12/15/97 Aotearoa Day 31 12/16/97 Raining Cats & Dogs Day 32 12/17/97 Panning for Gold Day 33 12/18/97 Glacial River Day 34 12/19/97 Sun has Come Out! Day 35 12/20/97 Bungy Jump Day 36 12/21/97 Church of Good Shepherd Day 37 12/22/97 Kaikoura Day 38 12/23/97 Ferry Across Channel Day 39 12/24/97 Christmas Eve Day 40 12/25/97 Rotorua Day 41 12/26/97 Boxing Day! Day 42 12/27/97 Wiatomo Walkway Day 43 12/28/97 Black Water Tubing to View the GlowWorms Day 44 12/29/97 End of "Kiwi Experence" Day 45 12/30/97 Adelaide Day 46 12/31/97 Glenelg Beach Day 47 1/1/98 DDay Departure Day |
Marker in Nelson of the "Center" of New Zealand Sun. December 14, 1997 Day 29 We got up about 7:00 to pack up. We transported to a sister motel and stored our backpacks. We could catch a bus from there to town. We had to go pick up our airline tickets to Nelson. It was a pretty good distance into town. I should say city. Auckland has a population of about 1.3 million. Most of New Zealand’s population is on the North Island and most of it in Auckland. There are only 3 million people all together on both islands. It’s always a challenge learning a new city but we’ve done amazingly well… even when they send us on wild goose chases. The place where we were told to go had no knowledge of the tickets. It took asking three people there before any of them would claim anything. Finally, they called to pursue it and found someone who would take responsibility. That meant a bus transfer for us to another part of town. We found it and got the tickets but then had no time to really look around the city. We realized our flight was a couple hours earlier than we had thought so we headed back on the other bus to get our bags and head to the airport. We traveled on a two-prop plane to Nelson on the south island. We were picking up our Kiwi Experience Bus there the next day. It was a beautiful sunny day and a scenic flight. We shared a taxi with a German fella to the hostel where I had reservations. Nelson is not a big city and didn’t have an airport shuttle. We got there about 3:00. There was Internet access on the office computer so they let me play with that awhile. They wouldn’t be open too late. We headed out to explore town and walked to the end of town to hike up a mountain to a scenic overlook. It is billed as the center of New Zealand and there is a marker up there. If you look at the map and use the four farthest reaching points N, S, E, W it really does hit the center. It was a steep climb but well worth it. We could see the whole town and out to the sea. After hiking down we found a neat little café and sat outside to eat. It was my favorite meal and conversation of the whole trip. We just sat for hours and talked and it was great food. We just had nachos and pesto melts and salads and a great piece of chocolate cake to split. Andrew and I are really enjoying ourselves. He thinks its kinda cool that we’re traveling. I think the only time he’s a little self-conscious is when we walk through the guys in the hostel…. Like maybe they think he can’t do this on his own or something. We set out to walk to the beach and took an alternative route. We ended up way up in the hills of the neighborhood and couldn’t find any connection to go down on that other side. We wound all around. Found a pet goat up there tied to a tree near the street. We gave up on going all the way to the beach. We’d have been walking home the whole way in the dark. It was a long way. My dogs were tired too! We found a way down to a pier and sat there for awhile and watched a guy attempting to windsail. It was comical but we couldn’t laugh because he’d have heard us. He almost sailed right into the pier under us! He stopped and talked to us at that point. E-mail was shut down when we got back about 8:30 so that wasn’t an option. Andrew went down to the lounge to write Christmas cards and I was working on this journal in our twin room. Nelson is feeling the effects of El Nino. There was an article on the wall in the room asking folks to conserve water. The dam stopped flowing two months early this year. The last rain here was October 14. There is a concern about fires and droughts. |