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Who We Are

A Program of Giving to LCMSAF

Lee County Medical Society Alliance Foundation, Inc.

At the turn of this new century, it was truly the best of times. Surveys estimated that 70% of individuals* and 90% of businesses** gave to charity each year. The primary reason for giving? “Those who have more should help those who have less.” Are the times changing? We truly hope not. Philanthropic gifts are the mainstay of nearly every charitable organization.       *www.leavealegacy.org    **www.give.org

The Alliance believes that the power and emotions experienced when helping others less fortunate should always remain strong.  With that belief, the Reaching Out Program of LCMSA’s Foundation was established in 2002. This vital program focuses on year-round giving and offers the choice of two distinct funds for your charitable generosity:

Endowment Fund

In 2002, LCMSAF’s Endowment Fund was established for all time through the Southwest Florida Community Foundation, Inc. When you choose our Endowment for your gift-giving, you give two-fold. First, you help raise the growth potential of the fund so it may benefit our community for years to come. Second, annual earnings of the fund act as seed money for our Community Needs Fund and health-related projects.

Community Needs Fund

Gifts and proceeds raised for this fund are allocated to local charitable organization applicants. Selecting each organization and its allocation is judged by a set of strict criteria, not the least of which is the degree of need for the requested funding and its specific health-related purpose in our community. (See Mini-Grants)


For either fund, your gift is tax-deductible. Simply write a check to “LCMSAF” for $25, $50 or more. You may also do this to honor a friend or relative on a special occasion or as a memorial. We will send a commemorative card to the honoree or family to let them know that your thoughtful gift has been made.

Whenever and however much you give, rest assured that it will help improve thousands of lives in Lee County for better health.

Click to read the Founding Friends of The Reaching Out Endowment

The Alliance Legacy

Since 1945, the Lee County Medical Society Alliance has been an ambassador for better health in Lee County. Members have led the way as volunteers in our community to educate citizens on many important health-related issues. They have collected thousands of essential items for the needy and volunteered countless hours raising funds to help our local charitable organizations. As part of a federation, they have given precious time to attend state and national meetings in order to represent the vital concerns of our medical community and, ultimately, the health care concerns of all Americans.

Enough time has passed. Now, we can proudly say that our Alliance and Foundation have  created a legacy for better health in Lee County. We could not have done this without the contributions of our supporters.

Help us continue the Alliance Legacy as we reach out in this new century.

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                 Copyright © 1998 Lee County Medical Society Alliance, Inc.  All rights reserved.
              13300-56 S. Cleveland Ave #112
            Ft. Myers, Florida 33907
           Phone: 239-936-1645

           Revised: May 11, 2003.